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Real estate in Burgenland

Here you can find from 5 offers your commission-free property in Burgenland

Find your property in Burgenland

In terms of population, Burgenland is the smallest federal state in Austria. It is located in the east and is best known for Lake Neusiedl, viticulture and the thermal spa region. Some properties are available at very attractive prices.

Living in Burgenland

The province is often abbreviated as "BGLD" and is divided into three areas:

  • Northern Burgenland
  • Central Burgenland
  • Southern Burgenland

In terms of landscape, these regions are quite diverse. The north is characterized by Lake Neusiedl, with adjoining lowlands. It is much hillier in the area of the Leitha mountains and in the south, where the foothills of the Alps begin.

Tourism as an important factor

Tourism is very important for the region. There is an exceptionally wide range of offers for holidaymakers in this small province:

  • Cycle tourism throughout the province
  • Large campsites near Lake Neusiedl
  • Individual luxury resorts (Reiters Supreme, The Resort, etc.)
  • Wine tourism - guest rooms in the wine-growing regions

Burgenland is also popular for seminars. The north in particular benefits from its proximity to Vienna. A day trip or a short stay for a seminar can be easily organized from the federal capital.

The real estate market in Burgenland

Real estate is available in all price ranges. The market varies greatly from region to region. We will therefore now take a closer look at the individual aspects.

Apartments in Burgenland

Renting an apartment is particularly interesting for those who want to live in the provincial capital, Eisenstadt. Purchase prices in Eisenstadt range from 2,500 to 3,000 euros per square meter. Some second-hand apartments are also available at a lower price, while newly built apartment buildings are more expensive, but also boast high-quality fixtures and fittings.

If you want to rent an apartment, you can expect to pay between 10 and 14 euros per square meter. There are also cheaper offers in rural areas.

Buying a house in Burgenland

Most people in Burgenland live in a detached or terraced house. This form of housing is not only popular, but often also affordable. Especially in the south, the purchase prices for houses are often between 2,000 and 3,000 euros per square meter. Some buildings are even sold for less than 2,000 euros per square meter of living space.

Prices are considerably higher in Eisenstadt and Neusiedl am See. Purchase prices of around 4,000 euros per square meter are quite common. Absolute connoisseur prices are called for in places that are popular with tourists and the most expensive properties can be found directly on Lake Neusiedl. Those who want an exclusive residence can afford a view of the lake or a mooring for their own boat.

Bargain properties are also available

The good quality of life attracts many people to Burgenland. The good infrastructure is particularly impressive in the north. Vienna-Schwechat Airport is easily accessible from here and commuting to the capital is uncomplicated.

Bargain properties are also particularly exciting. Real estate market insiders know that there are always old houses for sale here at very low prices. With a bit of luck, you can find an inexpensive house.

Typically, old farmhouses in Burgenland have an inner courtyard with a view and storage space in the form of a shed or barn. These rooms are ideal for storage purposes, as a workshop or for other hobbies.

Renovating bargain properties

The search for bargain properties in Burgenland requires patience. After all, not every old house can be optimally renovated. An architect or master builder should be consulted at an early stage for such a renovation project so that the substance of the property in Burgenland is correctly assessed.

Subsidies can be used to maintain or renovate existing buildings. If a heat pump is installed instead of a gas heating system, up to 75 percent of the costs are covered (as of 08/2024, please note the conditions). Buying an affordable house therefore means a lot of renovation work, but classic Burgenland farmhouses in particular impress with their traditional charm.

Affordable living

Whether for a rental apartment or a property purchase, Burgenland offers extensive funding opportunities. The entire topic of "affordable housing" is shaped by the social democratic state leadership. The most important subsidies for real estate in Burgenland are

  • Housing subsidy: This subsidy is an ongoing grant based on the rent of the apartment or house.
  • Housing subsidy: With this subsidy, a loan is provided which may not exceed 70 percent of the construction costs. The term is 30 years and interest is only 0.9 percent per year.

In addition, the state also builds its own subsidized housing projects. All in all, a lot is being done to ensure that real estate remains affordable.

Finding real estate in Burgenland

It can be very difficult or very straightforward to find a suitable property - it all depends on what exactly you are looking for. If you are looking for a real bargain, you need to be flexible about where you want to live. And even in the exclusive segment, for example directly on Lake Neusiedl, top properties are not always for sale.

But the good news is that real estate prices in Burgenland are generally comparatively low. This is despite the fact that the quality of life in Austria's easternmost province is certainly impressive.

Where you can definitely save money is on commission. Anyone buying a property through an estate agent has to factor in a gross commission of 3.6 percent of the purchase price. This high sum is not incurred if you buy commission-free. All advertisements on our platform show properties that are sold without commission. Find your dream property in Burgenland now and save yourself the high commission.